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How to become fearless in flying

Fear of flying is a fear of being on an airplane, or any other flying vehicle, such as a helicopter. It is also known as flying phobia, flight phobia or aviophobia.

This phobia receives more attention than most other phobias because air travel is often difficult for people to avoid—especially in professional contexts—and because it is common, affecting a significant minority of the population. Inability to maintain emotional control when aloft may prevent a person from going on vacations or visiting family and friends, and it can cripple the career of a businessperson by preventing them from travelling on work-related business.

The cause of fear of flying may be created by the fear of crashing, claustrophobia, fear of heights, fear of not being in control, or even fear of hijacking or terrorism.

The good news, specially for people round Dublin and not only, is that now you can be helped overcome your fear of flying by attending one of the courses at Fear of Flying Ireland at Weston Airport Dublin. With a combined experience of over 20.000 flying hours, and over 40 years experience, 2 highly qualified professionals , Glen Healy, a Boeing 737-800 captain with over 18 years experience in the aviation industry, and Ruth Little, captain, instructor, also a psychotherapist specialising in post traumatic stress disorder, can take you step by step into the how aircraft fly, what causes turbulence and how they avoid it, how are the pilots trained to get and maintain their licence.

The main part of the course then involves a 3 hour group, or one on one psychotherapy session with Ruth.

You will then have the chance to be inside in a state of art Boeing 737 fixed based simulator, learning how an airliner is operated.

For more information you can visit

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