Fashion Fixxer
13 boutiques from around Dublin took part in an amazing fashion show in Cafe En Seine Dublin.
Organized by Lara Mooney, it was a night full of glamour.
The boutiques involved were: Mac Doll Boutique, ELLI, Select Boutique, MAVEN, Miss E, NEOLA, FRAN&JANE, LuLa Belle, Anastasia, Belle boutique, Heaven Scent, Serena and LOTUS Boutique.
On behalf of Lara Mooney, FASHION FIXXER a huge thank you to our thirteen amazing boutiques who made tonight possible, Cafe En Seine for the fabulous venue, Ashling Woods Larkin models and Assets models: Lisa, Andrea, Robyn, Jennifer, Megan, and Jade, who wore the clothes beautifully. Our DJ Sean Sutcliffe from Sin, Hot Shotz Photography Ben Power, Lillie's Bordello after party, and the brilliant make-up artists from Avantgarde Make-up and Sharleen Collins MUA. Also, a big thank you to our dressers back stage and everyone who has helped in the show tonight. I hope you all had a fun, fashion-filled special Tuesday night.
Few highlights from the night:
#FASHIONFIXXER #lauramooney #cafeenseine #fashion #fashionshow #dublin #dublinboutique #macdollboutique #christinachelliah #selectboutique #maven #misse #neola #franjane #lulabelle #anastasia #belleboutique #heavenscent #serena #lotusboutique #ashlingwoodslarking #assets #seansutcliffe #benpower #avantgarde #sharleencollins